From prototype to readiness for series production
The functions of the entire system are implemented in vehicles, machinery and systems using a network of sensors, actuators, control devices and operating and display units. These components of the overall system are usually developed and produced by a supplier (Tier 1) before they can be installed by the manufacturer (OEM) of the vehicle, machine or system. When doing so, development takes place in accordance with a process, from prototypes with partial functions through to readiness for series production. Da Vinci Engineering supports suppliers and OEMs along this route by testing the components.
The component as a system
A component in the overall system of a vehicle, machine or system also represents a technical system in itself, consisting of housing parts, electronics with a microcontroller and software, buttons and displays, for example. The component test is about the holistic functionality of this assembly. If something is supposed to appear on a display as a result of pressing a button, correct interaction of all parts of the component is a prerequisite for this. In principle, the cause of a malfunction can lie in the mechanics, the electronics or the software. The component test therefore usually includes an initial root cause error analysis.
Component testing levels
Testing of individual components
The basic functions of individual components can be tested on the table top setup. Only a power supply and a few test signals are usually required for this. The behaviour of the component is observed by an experienced tester.
Component tests in a network
Some component functions only become visible and testable by exchanging information with other components. For this purpose, components are tested in a network. In the test setup, some of the components can be physically present or reproduced by means of simulation on a test computer. Da Vinci Engineering takes over the development and assembly of test racks, the development and automation of test sequences and residual bus simulations.
Testing in the target system
Components with an advanced level of maturity can be integrated in the target system and tested under actual operating conditions. This includes vehicle tests on test benches, on test tracks or in road traffic. Da Vinci Engineering looks after the installation of components to be tested in test vehicles, updating components with the latest software, and organizing and carrying out test drives.
Special tests
In addition to the functional test, some components require the evaluation of certain physical or technical properties or behaviour under special environmental conditions. Examples of this are visual and acoustic characteristics, or the performance of component functions within a wide range of temperatures. Da Vinci Engineering creates suitable test plans for this, and carries out the tests at the OEM or Tier1, or in certified partner laboratories.