Content elements

For applicants, frequently asked questions about career opportunities, application documents and job interviews:

FAQ for applicants

For companies: frequently asked questions about our services, excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident:

FAQ for companies

EN Zahlen Modul




job vacancies

EN Teaser Zweispalter

EN Teaser Dreispalter

EN Teaser Dreispalter 9:16

EN Zitat Element

„Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna eiusmod aliqua.“

Dipl.-Ing. Massimiliano Cava, Geschäftsführer Da Vinci Engineering

Massimilianos Geschichte

EN Slider (Vorteile)

[Translate to English:] Gleitzeit

[Translate to English:] Flexible Arbeitsgestaltung außerhalb der Kernzeiten

[Translate to English:] Firmenevents

[Translate to English:] Ob Sommerfest, Weihnachtsfeier oder Skiausfahrt, gemeinsame Erlebnisse werden groß geschrieben

[Translate to English:] Gesundheit

[Translate to English:] Wechselnde gesundheitsfördernde Projekte halten dich fit

[Translate to English:] Geburtstage & Jubiläen

[Translate to English:] Geraten bei uns nicht in Vergessenheit und werden gewürdigt

[Translate to English:] Geburtstage & Jubiläen

[Translate to English:] Geraten bei uns nicht in Vergessenheit und werden gewürdigt

EN Bild Text Element

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.


Check job profiles

EN Akkordeon Element

How can I contact the recruiting team?

If you are interested in a specific position, it is best to apply via the current job adverts.

To the job offers

Who do I contact about the status of my application?

Can’t find anything that appeals to you in our current job ads? You are welcome to send a speculative application and specify the position you would like.

Who do I contact about the status of my application?

Can’t find anything that appeals to you in our current job ads? You are welcome to send a speculative application and specify the position you would like.

EN Historien Element


Company founded with a welcoming atmosphere

Massimiliano Cava comes from the Province of Salerno in Italy. He studied electrical engineering in Naples. Always on the lookout for new challenges, he moved to Brunswick during his studies even though he didn’t speak any German. He didn’t stay long in his first position in Lippstadt, He handed in his notice after just a few months, saying: “There was no passion at work.” He was subsequently employed at Magneti Marelli and smart. He founded DA VINCI ENGINEERING, a company for engineering services, in 2005.


Relocation to Stuttgart-Vaihingen

The first office was established in Stuttgart-Vaihingen in 2006. More engineers and test drivers were employed, and before long an additional office was established in the vicinity of Magneti Marelli. The expansion thereof meant that in 2007, Da Vinci already employed about 40 staff members in its main office, the administration, from the fields of recruitment, sales and IT who coordinated the company’s day-to-day business.


Relocation to Marienplatz (Stuttgart city centre)

The company is still growing steadily to this day. Around 300 employees from 50 or so nations currently work at Da Vinci Engineering. The variety of cultures represented in the company enables us to combine our diverse skills and to learn something new from them.


15 years of Da Vinci Engineering

We can proudly look back over 15 years of our company’s impressive development. We have increased in size from 3 to over 400 employees within a very short time, and have achieved great success in a sector that is constantly and rapidly changing.

EN Bild Text Elemente (mit zwei Bildern)

Da Vinci Engineering sees itself as a knowledge base: our employees’ know-how is the key to our company’s success.

We therefore promote and develop them in the long term. Continuous on-the-job training is the basis of personal success, the success of our company and that of our customers. Our engineering experts have the best prospects and opportunities for achieving their personal objectives and working in a company where know-how and personality perfectly match the position to be filled and the field of activity.

The demands that we make of ourselves:

  • Secure workplace with flat hierarchies
  • Transparency and fairness as a matter of course
  • Promotion of teams and technical skills
  • Reduce communication channels, simplify complex things
  • Strengthen and reward performance and conscientiousness